Rasool Allaah “salla Allaahu ‘alayhi wa salaam said “Whosoever shares in building a masjid for Allaah subhanahu wa ta’ala, even if it is as small as a bird’s nest, Allaah subhanahu wa ta’ala will build for him a house in Paradise.
There are multiple ways to make donations to IAENC. You may do so via Paypal, via the MOHID system (information below), by sending your donations via bill pay (see bank account information below), or by check / cash at the Masjid.
MOHID kiosk system, which allows debit and credit card donations to be directly deposited in the Masjid’s checking account, is located on brothers as well as sisters side. Br Eslam, Saeed, Farhad, Moahad and sisters Samar, Entisar and Maliha can accept your check or cash donations if you do not wish to use the Mohid system.
To send the donation directly to the Masjid (IAENC) Bank account (e.g. via Bill Pay), use the banking information below:
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Account #: 2000056171318
Routing #: 053000219
To do so via mail please fill this form and mail it to:
Islamic Association of Eastern North Carolina,
1303 South Evans Street,
Greenville, NC 27834
Please donate generously and help us reach our goal to cover the costs of our Masjid and to recruit an imam. JazakumuLlahu khayr.